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Forum Posts

Daniel Hajas
Jan 25, 2024
In Problem Statements
This problem concerns blind people, who rely on screen reader technologies to access information in digital documents. The problem can occur daily potentially, when reading the news, or working in a professional setting. It is frustrating when a news article talks about trends, with some highlights mentioned in writing, but the details remain closed behind inaccessible visual representations. As a result of not being able to explore the data with a great level of agency, blind people like myself need to rely on trusting the interpretation of others. It also means, that unless the author of the information included the exact information I'm looking for, based on a set of data, there is no way for me to investigate further, or investigate from a different angle. Truth can be told in various ways. I want to be able to access data, such that I can choose which way I interpret this.

Daniel Hajas

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